New Bailey Chambers has a team of barristers qualified to accept instructions directly from members of the public, businesses and other organisations under a scheme known as Public Access. It is also sometimes known as Direct Access.

The scheme allows members of the public and businesses, in appropriate cases, to consult a barrister without first instructing a solicitor, which can avoid duplication of work and costs.

Although the barrister would be able to deal with many aspects of your case, you may have to conduct some of the administration of your case yourself, including filing documents with the court. Not all cases are suitable for Public Access instructions – our clerks can evaluate your case and let you know if it would be suitable for Public Access.

Our barristers specialise in providing expert legal opinions and advice, drafting legal documents and attending court and tribunals as your advocate.

New Bailey Chambers can offer Public Access barristers in a number of specialisms including:

– Criminal Law
– Family Law
– Immigration Law
– Civil debt claims
– Landlord & Tenant


You can contact our clerks via telephone or email to discuss the costs of instructing a barrister on your case on 0151 236 9402 or via email at

We adopt an open and transparent approach to fee estimates. No work is conducted unless the barrister is instructed to do so and payment is received in advance of the work being carried out.

Fees on most of our public access cases are agreed at fixed rates for each specific item of work, however in some cases we may charge at an hourly rate. The costs for a barrister can vary depending on the seniority, level of experience or the barrister’s specialist knowledge. Costs can also vary depending on the complexity of the case, the volume of paperwork, the value or sensitivity of the case, the potential reputational impact on the client and the length of any hearing. We may also charge for barrister disbursements such as travel and hotel expenses or photocopying.

Our most commonly adopted fee structures are:

* A brief fee and refreshers. A brief fee includes preparation and the first day of advocacy in Court. The refresher fee refers to each subsequent day in court.

* An agreed hourly rate. Hourly rates can range from £150 per hour to £550 per hour depending on the specific nature of your case and seniority of counsel. Advisory work is often charged at an hourly rate.

* A Fixed fee. Typically fixed fee advocacy rates will differ depending on the area of law. For example:

– Criminal Magistrates Court cases can be between £400 to £850 for half a day and £850 to £1500 for a full day. Cases will typically begin at the 1st appearance, they may then proceed to a case management hearing or directly to a trial hearing and where applicable, a sentence hearing.

– Crown Court Case fees will depend specifically on the nature of the case and the work involved. Appeal and committal for sentence hearings are commonly dealt with at one hearing. Cases for trial will begin with a plea & case management hearing, may result in further case management hearings and then proceed to trial or where applicable, a sentence hearing.

– Family Court hearings can range from £500 for a short hearing to £4500 for more complex cases. Cases can sometimes resolve at one hearing but contested cases can take months or up to two years to proceed through the courts.

– Advocacy at Immigration Hearings can range from £750 to £1750 depending on the nature of the case. It is likely your case will comprise of a case management hearing followed by a final hearing where you case will be determined. The Court process typically takes several months.

– Fees for Civil hearings will be quoted on a case by case basis. Our clerks will be able to advise you on the potential key stages your case will involve.

Not all cases will be concluded at the initial hearing. It may transpire that your case will require a number of hearings over many months before it is resolved. We will provide indicative fees for future work and set out the circumstances in which they may vary depending on the way your case progresses.

Our clerks can also offer guidance on additional costs you may have to pay such as court fees, expert fees or other disbursements.

VAT will be chargeable on any of the above where applicable.

Legal aid

It is possible you may be eligible for legal aid funding. However barristers cannot conduct legal aid work unless they are instructed by a solicitor. If you want to discuss you eligibility for legal aid funding you will need to contact a solicitor who conducts legal aid work.


Please contact Chambers’ clerks on 0151 236 9402 or email to enquire about the eligibility of your case and to obtain a fee quote.

Below is a link to the Bar Standards Board Guidance for Lay Clients on the Public Access scheme which sets out in detail how the scheme works.
